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                                     2019 GBMTC NEWSLETTERS


          Dec 2019 Newsletter                                                                 
Dec 8th, 10:00am, Topnotch restaurant, Hwy #6, Wiarton

GBMTC  November meeting, November 10/19  County Line Diner, Elmwood.

President Carm welcomed all in attendance, in particular our newest members, Bryan and Lorraine Poirier, from Clifford.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read by Willie Needs and 2nd'd by Suzanne Micks.

At this time the President advised a break-in had happened at Wiarton Food Bank, and our club donated $75 to assist with replacing lost gift cards,  or to be used however the Foodbank was in most need.

Doug Black, Treasurer, reported a balance of $ 1,049.13.  This total did not include the 50/50 draw returns from the October meeting and did include 4 memberships paid for 2020.   He advised the amount to be paid to Pumkinfest committee was  $ 18.80, and is reflected as paid in the total balance.

The Road Captain had nothing to report.  No reports from any committee chairpersons at this time.

This is an election month, and of the 8 executive positions there were 4 positions needing someone to fill.  They were:  Vice President, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Chief Road Captain.

The election ended as follows:  Vice President - Willie Needs, Chief Road Captain - Ken Micks.  Treasurer - Jeff Williams,  Membership Secretary - Jeff Williams.  These persons will take on the duties of their respective offices in the new year.

It was decided that the Chief Road Captain, and the 1st Road Captain will be held by the same person.   And the Treasurer position and Membership Secretary will also be held by the same person.

The other executive positions, and those holding these positions: President - Carman Moore, Recording Secretary - Sheila Housego,  1st Road Captain - Ken Micks, 2nd Road Captain - Dave Mervyn.    The positions are held for a two year term, with elections held yearly, alternating the titles grouped as above.

Also needed at this time are volunteer chairpersons for our two main events: Toy Ride and Pumkinfest Sho 'N Shine.    The members already holdings these positions volunteered to chair these events again: Toy Ride - Suzanne Micks, (519-371-9977) and Sho 'N Shine - Bob Smith.(  Help from the membership is always needed to run these events and if you would like to work in either, or both events, please contact the chairpersons.

Our Social Supper for November will be held on November 23, at Steven's Restaurant, at 195 Toronto St, S., in  MARKDALE.  Hosts are Willie and Anne Needs.  Please contact them if you plan to attend.  519-369-3026.  Please note the slight change of date.  As usual social hour starts at 6:00, planning to eat by 7:00.

There will be no Social Supper in December, the next one will be January, hosted by Suzanne Micks.

There was a request to have members names and contact information lists distributed to the membership.  If anyone doesn't want their information shared within the club, please advise Jeff Williams (519-364-4909)

With all business discussed, Tim Skippen moved to close the meeting with Ken Micks 2nd'ing.

Upcomeing events:
Dec 8th  GBMTYC meeting.
Dec 25th  Merry Christmas

After 20 some odd years I'm able to retire from doing the Newsletter thanks to Jeff who will be taking over. I believe the newsletter holds the club together as many members do not partisipate in the activities of the club  but want to be kept in the loop. Have a great winter.

November Newsletter

Nov 10th
County Line Diner, 10:00am

GBMTC - October 2019 Meeting Top notch Restaurant, Wiarton, Ont.
President Carm welcomed all in attendance, noting that two members rode their bikes on this chilly October morning.


The minutes of the last meeting were read, and amendments were made as follows: The Furthest attendee was Gail Vienneau, from Niagara Falls. The Oldest bike in the ride was a 1985 Honda Magna, (not 1982 as noted in minutes), and there were 11 bikes took part in the ride. With the amendments noted, Willie Needs moved to accept the minutes, with Carman 2nd'ing.

Please see attached for Pumkinfest Sho'N Shine report.

Paul Brohman advised distribution of funds to Food Banks is determined by need in the communities. However, Toys from the Toy Ride go to Port Elgin Salvation Army church.
Doug Black, Treasurer, was absent. No treasurer report.

Social Supper will be held this month, on October 26, at the Queens Hotel in Port Elgin. It will be hosted by Jerry Cowtan. 6:00 pm social hour with supper at 7:00 pm. Next month Anne and Willie Needs will host our Social Supper. Location to be announced.

With all business discussed, Willie moved to close the meeting with Anne 2nd'ing.

President Carm won the 50/50 draw at $ 17.50.

There were 47 motorcycles register. (A total of 10 more bikes parked, and the owners did not register.)
There was no water or pop for sale - keep this in mind for next year. We had over 25 local sponsors for this event, who donated prizes and gift certificates. (see attached list)

Saturday's registration was: $230.00
Share the Wealth: $63.50
Calendars: $0.00 (were given away)
Sunday's parking was: $0.00 Paul stayed there all day.
Plaques and expenses were: $109.67
There will be an amount payable to Pumkinfest Organizers, a percentage of our net earnings for the weekend yet to be determined.
Pg 2, October GBMTC meeting 2019
Thanks to Phil Johnson for the use of his trailer. To members for being available all day to man the registration desk and for bike parking and security. Thanks to Marianne Christie, former chairperson, for her hand over of complete and thorough documents pertaining to running this event.
We match their donation from our bank funds.

PORT ELGIN: Rowlands Independent Grocer, Gingrich Service Centre, Tiny's Motorcycle/ATV, Carquest Auto Parts, Subway, Sunbelt Rentals.
SOUTHAMPTON: Foodland, Southport Golf Club, Kristen's Pharmacy, Ideal Supply/ Napa Auto Parts
OWEN SOUND: Petersen Motor Works, Fox Harley-Davidson, Lucky Dog Motors, Penninsula Ford/Lincoln
Cobble Beach Golf Resort at Cobble Beach; GT Cycle in Shallow Lake; Everest Nursery in Wiarton; Fired Up Cycle in Walkerton; Harvey's/Swiss Chalet, New Orleans Pizza, Raymond James Ltd.

Upcoming Events:
Oct 26th GBMTC Social Supper. jerry to reserve 832-6711
Nov 10th GBMTC election meeting.

Vice President, 1st Road Captian, Tresurer, Membership Secratary are up for elections.

GBMTC Oct Newsletter

Meeting:  Oct 12th, 10:00am
Top Notch, Wiarton

GBMTC meeting September 8, 2019   Hanover, ont.
There were 14 members present.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted as read by Ann Needs,  and 2nd'd by Gord Harris.

Doug Black, Treasurer, reported a bank balance of $ 692.78.  A member questioned if there was kept a petty cash or if all funds were in the bank.  All funds are kept in the bank.

Road Captain Report:  Was there any interest in a Friday 13 ride this month?

Committee Report:  Bob Smith, chairperson for the Pumpinfest Sho 'N Shine, is looking for volunteers to help with this event.  Please call 519-385-4113


Suzanne Micks, chairperson for the Toy Ride, held in August, reported: there were 10 bikes participated, the ride ended in Meaford where the Pizza supplied to the riders, and the hall which was our destination, were both donated, so no cost to the club.    The Plaques won were:  Attendee from the furthest distance:  Carl Vienneau, from Niagara Falls,  Oldest bike:  Owned by Jeff Williams, 1982 Magna, Oldest Rider: Doug Black, at 75 years.  Club with most members attending:  Gail Vienneau.      The 50/50 draw was won by Doug Black.

The club social suppers will start in September, the last Saturday in the month.  We need a host for this, please.{note Social's will start in Oct  See below,  ed.)


Other notes:  John MaCill was able to travel to Tennesse and rode the 'back' of the Dragon, and suggested this may be a possible destination for our club members in the future.

With all business and news discussed, Willie Needs moved to close the meeting with Bob Smith 2nd/ing.

The 50/50 draw of $27.50 was won by Gord Harris.

Upcoming events:         (note, all events are listed in the web site-----

Oct 6th - 7th  GBMTC Show & Shine.  Info Bob  385-4113
Oct 12th GBMTC meeting, Top Notch, 10:00am
Oct  26th Social Supper, Queens Hotel, Port Elgin, 6:00p

Sept 2019 Newsletter  

Meeting; Sept 8th, 10:00am
Cravings Restaurant, in Hanover
In the plaza across from the racetrack.  7th Avenue

Minuts Sunday August 10 .
12 members present. Minutes.
 Approved by Ann second Jeff.

 treasurer report $655.28.

New member offered to pay for toy ride t shirts. Suzann e will look into to this.
 It was also suggested we have member list  to contact  people for riding.

50/50. Was won by Jim

  Meeting was closed by Ken and seconded by Suzanne.

Upcoming events

Sept 8th GBMTC  Meeting; Sept 8th, 10:00am
Cravings Restaurant, in Hanover
In the plaza across from the racetrack.  7th Avenue

Oct 5th 6th    GBMTC 17th annual Show & Shine.    Follow signs to Elgin St.were bikes will be parked. Plaques will be awarded for: Motorcycle  that was driven the furthest, Oldest bike, Riders choice, & Best of show. Door prizes fo all registered riders  will be  held at 3pm Sat. Plaques will be awarded at the same time Sat.  Parking will be available on Sun . Info Bob   385-4113  



Sauble Beach Community Center
Aug 11th 10:00am
Meeting will be followed by a pre ride of the TOY RIDE ROUTE

July 14, 2019 Meeting at Top Notch restaurant, Wiarton.

President Carm opened the meeting by welcoming all in attendance.

He also welcomed new members Jeff Williams, and John MaGill, both from Elmwood area.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and ok'd as read by Dave Kinsman, and 2nd'ed by Suzanne Micks.

For Committee Reports: Suzanne, Chairperson for Toy Ride, reports we still need to plan a route, however, we plan to have the ride end in Meaford. Suzanne wondered if we could not have Toy Ride specific shirts for sale at the ride, as we always seem to loose money on the sale of these shirts, but she suggested we, instead, sell club T-Shirts. Also, it was suggested, a pin with Toy Ride information on it be available for sale at the ride. Suzanne will look into the cost of both these items. (the shirts and the pins). It was suggested we have posters for the Toy Ride advertisement.

There was no Treasurer Report as Doug Black, treasurer, was absent.

The Pumpkinfest chairperson was absent, so no report.

The Road Captain reported that three riders went to Newfoundland, and have just returned. The weather was wet while they were there.

It was noted that Sudbury is again having a Freedom Ride Event, in August on the weekend after the long weekend.

With all business discussed Ken Micks moved to close the meeting with Bill Ladd 2nding

Dave Kinsman won the 50/50 draw to the tune of $32.50.

Upcomming events:

Aug 9th - 12th Freedom Riders 
Aug TBA Vintage Motorcycle Rally, Hepworth. Contact Phil for info 389-3622
Aug 11th GBMTC Meeting Sauble Beach Community Center 10:00am. Pre ride Toy Ride route
This event attracts riders who donate a new toy or non parishable food item which is donated to less fortunate families in the Grey Bruce area. 
Registration at Sauble Beach Community Center from 10:00am - 11:55am. Ride departs at 12:00 noon.
Food of some sort will be available from a near by vendor or supplied by GBMTC at end of ride.
We have tryed to have a door prize for every registered rider thanks to our sponsors & club members. Drinks & donuts are supplied to all riders & passengers
The ride will end up at the destination where plaques are awarded to:


Info Suzanne 519-371-9977

Aug 26th Buzz & Toms Poker Run, Camping Durham area. Register Guelph. Search Tom & buzz's on you tube for vidio

July Newsletter  

July 14, 10:00am
Top Notch

GBMTC June meeting - Burgoyne, Ont.

President Carm started the meeting by welcoming everyone in attendance.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and OK'd as read by Tim Skippen and 2nd'd by Jerry Cowtan.

As some members are away at Americade at this time there was no Treasurer Report, no Toy Ride report, nor an Pumkinfest Sho'n Shine report.

Coming events are:  Widows Sons, from Owen Sound are having a poker run on June 15/19.  All meet at the Legion in Owen Sound for 9:00, $25.00 per driver, (includes a T-shirt), and $15.00 per passenger. (also includes a T-shirt)  All monies from the poker run go to veterans in our area.

Shelbourne has a Sho'n Shine also on June 15/19.

The President has generously provided calendars, with the club information on them, to be handed out at the Pumkinfest  Sho', Shine.

With all business discussed Ellen Skippen moved to close the meeting and Sharon 2nd'd.

Sharon won $20 in the 50/50 draw.

Upcoming Events:

June 22, Wolfpack RC 2nd Annual Poker Run, Wingham, ONThis is our 2nd annual, in support of Adoptapet Pet Rescue, Lucknow. Meal to follow at the Wingham Legion. We thank you in advance for your support! Registration: Open from 11 am to 12:30 pm. $25 per rider, $15 per passenger, includes meal.
July 13th  Bacon Fest, Lucan, On. 131 Market St. 10:00 AM.

July 14th GBMTC meeting Top Notch, Wiarton Restaurant 10:00am
July 20th - 23rd  Manitoulin Island rally. ( not confermed yet} 


  June 2019 Newsletter

June 9th, Burgoyne 10:00am

GBMTC  May meeting,    May 12, 2019  Top Notch Restaurant, Wiarton

President Carman opened the meeting with a welcome for all.

The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved by  Dave Kinsman and 2nd'd by Mike Downs.


   Treasurer Doug Black reported a bank balance of $ 545.25, this balance is after the payment of Toy Ride door prizes.

Road Captain report:  The group is leaving June 1 for Americade.

Bob Smith has agreed to be Chairperson for the Pumkinfest Sho 'n Shine.

Coming events:  A sho ' n Shine in Shelburne June 15/19.

Widows Sons motorcycle group is having a poker run also on June 15/19, it departs from Owen Sound.

Paul Brohman passed out Explore the Bruce passports.  This will be the final year for Explore The Bruce, and Paul modeled a T shirt that will be given out when the passports are filled.   Paul announced that the particular stops for motorcycles are easy to access with lots of parking.

There was a discussion about breakfast meeting locations.

Ken and Dave will ride to Orillia to a Gun Shop on Tuesday, weather permitting.  Anyone is invited to ride along.

Carman will host May's social Supper 

With all business discussed, Anne Needs moved to close the meeting 2nd'd by Gord Dickinson.

Anne won the 50/50 draw of $ 27.50.

The May Social will be at Tommy D's, in Hanover, (on the main street) on May 25, at 6:00.   Please call Carman by May 23 if you wish to attend.  519-369-2495 or cel 519-373-4356.  Or

Upcoming Events:
May 25th GBMTC Social Supper
June 1st GBMTC tour to Americade
June  9th GBMTC meetingJune 9th GBMTC meeting  Burgoyne restaurant 10:00am
​June 14th - 16th Vintage motorcycle National Rally. Info Phil  389-3622
​June 22, Wolfpack RC 2nd Annual Poker Run, Wingham, leagon ON  This is our 2nd annual, in support of Adoptapet Pet Rescue, Lucknow. Meal to follow at the Wingham Legion. We thank you in advance for your support! Registration: Open from 11 am to 12:30 pm. $25 per rider, $15 per passenger, includes meal.


May 2019 GBMTC  Newsletter

May 12th, 10:00am
Burgoyne restaurant


  April  14,2019  GBMTC Meeting at Top Notch Restaurant, Wiarton.
President Carman welcomed all in attendance, and a special welcome to guests, Willie and Ane Needs, from Durham, and Ed and Susan Wolski from Glammis.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and OK'd as read by Jerry Cowtan and 2nd'd by Tim Skippen.

Doug Black, Treasurer, advised the Bank Balance is $667.75.

The Road Captain advised Explore the Bruce rides will commence soon.  The Toy Ride Chairperson, Suzanne Micks reminded all that the Toy Ride is on August 17, 2019.

The Pumpkinfest sho'n shine still needs a chairperson, anyone interested please contact Carman Moore, 519-369-2495.  or    There are many who will help with this event, we just need someone to oversee.

We received thank you cards from Food Banks in Tara, Port Elgin, Wiarton and Hanover .   Our club had donated a total of $965. to the local food banks, thanks to the diligent work of Paul Brohman.

Paul had many posters from Bike Week  that he distributed.

Suzanne put to the membership that we could order T-shirts if anyone interested.  A club T-shirt much like the hoodies we ordered before.

Mike Downs brought us up to date on Americade trip news.  Those of the membership who are going this year so far: Jean Guy, Ron Smith, Bill Ladd, Mike, Suzanne and Ken, Larry and Kathy.   Suzanne usually organizes the route to and from Americade.  Americade is early June.

With all business discussed, Tim moved to close the meeting with Paul 2nd'ing.

Sharon won the 50/50 draw of $32.50.

Suzanne Micks will arrange the Social supper for this month.

Upcomming events:
April 27th GBMTC   Social Supper Suzanne to reserve 371-9977
May  12th GBMTC meeting, 10:00am Burgoyne  

April Newsletter



April 14th, 10:am

Top Notch restaurant



GBMTC  March meeting,

Top Notch Restaurant, Wiarton, Ont. 

 Mar. 10th, 10:00am

President Carm welcomed all in attendance.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and ok'd by Gord Dickinson and 2nd'd by Tim Skippen.

Doug Black, Treasurer, reported a bank balance of $652.74, the ORA membership of $380.00 is paid and insurance is paid.   Dave Mervyn ok'd this report, Mike Downs 2nd'd. 

There was no Road Captain report.

Anyone wishing to go to Americade and stay with the club members, please call Mike Downs, 797-2119  by April 1, 2019, as there are openings available but he needs to know numbers.  Those who have already contacted  Mike, he will keep in touch with you.

A short meeting, no further business to be discussed, Tim moved to close the meeting with Gord 2nd'ing.

Upcoming events:

March 30th GBMTC Social Supper, Queens, Port Elgin 6:00pm.  Jerry to reserve 832-6711

April 13th  Dover Friday 13th   Contact Phil 519-389-3622. May depart on 12th.

April 14th GBMTC meeting

  March Newsletter  

Next meeting:
March 10th, 10:00am , Top Notch ,Wiarton, Hwy #6

February 10, 2019
Grey Bruce Motorcycle Touring Club, meeting County Line Diner, Elmwood, Ont.

President Carm Moore opened the meeting  with welcome to all in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Suzanne Micks and 2nd'd by Mike Downs.

Doug Black, Treasurer advised the balance in our bank account is $ 980.23.  This total includes all monies and bills paid from Pumpkinfest.     There are 16 paid up members at this time, and 11 on the membership list that have not paid as yet.

Suzanne Micks, Toy Ride Chairperson reported the Sand Pipers Club in Sauble Beach, after 2nd thoughts,  have decided not to be a part of our Toy Ride this year.  A suggestion from a club member was that we could end the Toy Ride in the area of Meaford, as this is where the club, Freedom Riders, is out of, and many of their members attend our Toy Ride.

The President invited Tim Skippen, a new member, to chair our Pumpkinfest Sho' n Shine event.  He may consider this position, but needs to have a conversation with the former chair, Marianne Christie to find out the responsibilities of the position.

A thank you card was received from the Durham Food Bank for the donation at Christmas time.
Sheila read a note from Paul Brohman, who has done a lot of work collecting monies for the Food Bank donations.  A total of $ 965.00 was distributed to local Food Banks, this 2018 Christmas season.  The monies were donated from the following businesses:
Artic Spa,  Foodland,  Home Hardware from Southampton.  Foodland, and Valu Mart from Wiarton.  Ginerich Auto, Harvey/Swiss Chalet, The Garage Sandwich, Independant Grocery  all from Port Elgin.  Lake Huron Rod and Gun club  from Underwood.

For anyone wishing to go to Americade (June 2-9/19) Mike Downs is looking into occupancy.  Please call Mike at 519-797-2119 if you want to be included. 

February Social Supper will be looked after by Sheila.

Tim Skippen brought to our attention a new law that will allow those persons wearing turbans to not wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle.  There is a group  Called Equal Rights Association (ERA) who are petitioning the government to extend that law to all riders, so everyone can have a choice.   Keeping in mind this law will most likely cause motorcycle insurance to increase.   This petition was offered to the members present to sign.

With all business discussed Tim moved to close the meeting  with Gord Dickinson 2nd'ing.

Mike Downs won the 50/50 draw of $22.50.

Up coming events

February 23, GBMTC Social Supper  at a restaurant in Walkerton, called Walkers Landing.  It is on the main street, Durham Street, right beside the CIBC.  Sheila  to reserve 364-3780
March 10th  GBMTC Meeting , Topnotch, Wiarton 10:00am

      February 2019 Newsletter    

Social Supper Saturday January 26 @ Rockford Resturant . 6 oclock  - Suzanne to reserve 371-9977

Next Meeting:  Feb 10th, 10:00am   County Line Diner in Elmwood, Bruce County Rd #10

 Insurance Once again I had quotes with $600 difference for the same coverage. I have found that the company that  gives me the best rate may not give someone else the best rate so phone around before renewing your bike  insurance. I have also gotten different quotes from different brokers using the same insurance company.

TD  877-777-7136   No trikekits

Mantha (Aviva)             1-800-269-2728

J D Smith     1-800-917-7283

Dalton Timmis 1-888-385-8466 (broker)     

 Riders Plus (Echelon)    1-877-251-4504 

Intact (Jevco)                         1-855-388-5502         Http://

RBC Insurance (Aviva)    1_877_749_7224          

Wawanesa (go thro a broker)                          

 Navigators Insurance  905.470.6040 (broker)       

2018 Show & Shine

an newsletter 2019
Next Meeting:  Feb 10th, 10:00am   County Line Diner in Elmwood, Bruce County Rd #10

GBMTC  minutes  meeting December 9, 2018 ,Top Notch Restaurant, Wiarton

In absence of a President, Jerry Cowtan led the meeting.

   Welcome to our new member Helen Skippen. 

The minutes were read and a change noted:  The treasurer report had NO pumpkinfest money in the balance.  Also Paul noted the Food Bank donations totaled $410.  After the amendments were made Ken Micks accept them as OK, with Tim Skippen 2nd'ding.

There was no correspondence to discuss.

Doug Black, treasurer, reported a balance of $893.91.

Committee reports:  we are in need of a chairperson for the pumpkinfest sho 'n shine event.

   Also we are waiting to see if Mike Downs will accept President position. (Secretary's note:  Mike declined, Carman Moore has since taken the Presidency position) 

 Suzanne Micks, chair for the Toy Ride reports:  The Sand Pipers club in Sauble Beach, which is a Seniors club, has offered to co-host our Toy Ride event.  They will provide food at the end of the route.  They request that we end the ride at the Sauble Beach Community centre, and the 1/2 way point be their club house in Wiarton.   They still want to put this idea before their club membership for approval.

In coming events: Widows Sons - the Masonic Riding Association - have a ride the Saturday before Father's Day, each year.  It starts at Fox Harley in Owen Sound. It is a Poker Run, benefitting Veterans.

Paul Brohman reported he has $610 to be divided between 9 Food Banks.  Those receiving monies: Wiarton, Paisley, Tara, Port Elgin, Chesley, Durham, Walkerton, Kinardine, Hanover.  The majority of meeting attendanees approved of this split.

Suzanne Micks will arrange for the club Social for January.

Sheila will arrange for the February meeting to be at the County Line Diner in Elmwood.

At this point, Sharon moved to close the meeting and Jerry 2nd'd, with a reminder for all membership to get their dues in. 

Paul Brohman won the 50/50 draw of $27.50

Upcomeing events:
Jan 26th GBMTC Social Supper  Suzanne to reserve  371-9977
Feb 10th GBMTC  meeting


            2018 GBMTC NEWSLETTERS



Dec Newsletter

Dec 9th, 10:00am,
Burgoyn,  Country Way Restaurant

Minutes Nov 4th:
President Dave open the meeting with 14 members present the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by ken and second Dave Mervyn

A treasurer's report of a balance of $1,039.20 including money from registration from pumpkinfest show

No report from Road captain.

Social suppers Jerry hosting November 24th at the Queens in Port Elgin

New business from Paul Broman. Sandpipers have to cohost  toy ride and have dinne. They will gather toys all year round, August 19. 
Ken  made a motion to allow $200 to buy door prizes ahead of time for the toy ride, approved.

 Paul bromenn ask for $405 to match donations for food bank toy . Approved.

 Doug black was winner of the 50/50 draw of $20.

 We had our elections for president Paul Brobtman was nominated but declined . Mike Downs was nominated but he wasn't there to decline.

Secretary Shelia staying.

 First road Captain will  be Ken Micks,

  2nd road Captain is Dave Mervyn.

 Jerry would like someone to take over Newsletter, Photobucket album and website. Takes about an hour a month. If any one is interested contact Jerry 832=6711

 Also need a chairperson for Pumpkin Fest.

With no more busness the meeting was ajourned.

Upcoming Events:
Nov 24th, GBMTC Social Supper. To reserve  Jerry 832-6711
Dec 9th, GBMTC meeting, Burgoyne

Nov 2018 Newsletter


Election Meeting
Nov 4th, 10:00am    Top Notch restaurant, Wiarton

October 14, 2018  GBMTC meeting - Wiarton

President Dave welcomed all in attendance, including a visitor, and to become new member Tim Skippen from Port Elgin.


The minutes of the last meeting were read and Gord Dickinson OK'd them as read 2nded by Carman Moore.
There was no correspondence to discuss.

The Treasurer, Doug Black, reported a bank balance of $ 969.69 at this time, (before the Pumpkinfest Sho 'n Shine report and monies made).   Doug reported there were 25 paid members in 2018 and 5 members have pre-paid for 2019 so far. 

Paul Brohman reported that 'Gingrich Auto' in Port Elgin donated $100 to the Food Bank through us, and we will match that amount. Also 'Artic Spa' in Southampton donated a $30 Walmart Gift Card,' Garage Sandwich', in Port Elgin a $20 Gift Card.  All in all Paul reported there is approximately $300.00 donated to the Food Bank that our club will match.  Paul also noted that Lake Huron Rod and Gun club donated a door prize for the sho 'n shine, and their name failed to appear on the Donor list.

At this time the president thanked all involved in the Pumpkinfest Sho 'n Shine event, especially the Chairperson, Marianne Christie.

Road Captain, Ken Micks, reported that on the nicest day of this week, Wednesday, 4 bikes from the club were out on a ride.

Chairperson for the Sho 'n Shine, Marianne Christie, absent this morning, sent a report, which Sheila read, and she noted $232.00 was made from this event.  Marianne thanked a number of members who helped the event run smoothly, they were Dave Kinsman, Carman Moore, Jim Waddel, Jerry Cowtan, Doug Black, Paul Brohman and Ken Micks.   Thanks to Phil Johnson for the use of his trailer, to Sheila for manning the registration desk all day Saturday, and Carman for manning registration all day Sunday.   And thanks to Paul for announcing the winners.
Marianne's report ended with her resignation of the Chairperson's position for this event.  She has organized and run the event for the last three years and has done a great job.   Thank you to Marianne for a job well done.

There was no new business to discuss.

Paul moved to close today's meeting, and Mike Downs 2nd'ed.

Ken Micks won $ 17.50 in the 50\50 draw

Upcoming events:
Oct 27th GBMTC Social Supper. 6:00pm, Hanover Raceway. To reserve Sheila   364-3780
Nov 4th  GBMTC election meeting. To run or nominate for a position  Jerry  832-6711


Election Meeting
Nov 4th, 10:00am Top Notch restaurant, Wiarton



October 14, 2018 GBMTC meeting - Wiarton

President Dave welcomed all in attendance, including a visitor, and to become new member Tim Skippen from Port Elgin.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and Gord Dickinson OK'd them as read 2nded by Carman Moore.

There was no correspondence to discuss.

The Treasurer, Doug Black, reported a bank balance of $ 969.69 at this time, (before the Pumpkinfest Sho 'n Shine report and monies made). Doug reported there were 25 paid members in 2018 and 5 members have pre-paid for 2019 so far.

Paul Brohman reported that 'Gingrich Auto' in Port Elgin donated $100 to the Food Bank through us, and we will match that amount. Also 'Artic Spa' in Southampton donated a $30 Walmart Gift Card,' Garage Sandwich', in Port Elgin a $20 Gift Card. All in all Paul reported there is approximately $300.00 donated to the Food Bank that our club will match. Paul also noted that Lake Huron Rod and Gun club donated a door prize for the sho 'n shine, and their name failed to appear on the Donor list.

At this time the president thanked all involved in the Pumpkinfest Sho 'n Shine event, especially the Chairperson, Marianne Christie. 
Road Captain, Ken Micks, reported that on the nicest day of this week, Wednesday, 4 bikes from the club were out on a ride.

Chairperson for the Sho 'n Shine, Marianne Christie, absent this morning, sent a report, which Sheila read, and she noted $232.00 was made from this event. Marianne thanked a number of members who helped the event run smoothly, they were Dave Kinsman, Carman Moore, Jim Waddel, Jerry Cowtan, Doug Black, Paul Brohman and Ken Micks. Thanks to Phil Johnson for the use of his trailer, to Sheila for manning the registration desk all day Saturday, and Carman for manning registration all day Sunday. And thanks to Paul for announcing the winners.

Marianne's report ended with her resignation of the Chairperson's position for this event. She has organized and run the event for the last three years and has done a great job. Thank you to Marianne for a job well done.

There was no new business to discuss.

Paul moved to close today's meeting, and Mike Downs 2nd'ed.

Ken Micks won $ 17.50 in the 50\50 draw.

Upcoming events:
Oct 27th GBMTC Social Supper. 6:00pm, Hanover Raceway. To reserve Sheila 364-3780
Nov 4th GBMTC election meeting. To run or nominate for a position Jerry 832-6711

Oct 2018 Newsletter        
Oct 14th, 10:00am
Top Notch ,Wiarton, Hwy #6

GBMTC   Sept 9, 2018   In Elmwood, Ont.

President Dave welcomed all the attending members

The minutes of the last meeting were read and ok'd as read by Jerry Cowtan and 2nd 'd by  Sharon Evans.

There was no correspondence this month.

The treasurer, Doug Black, reported a bank balance of $813.90.  There are currently 29 paid up members.

President Dave advised at this time he will not seek re-election in November.

Committee Reports:
Marianne Christie, Chairperson for the Pumpkinfest Sho' n Shine, Port Elgin, on September 29,30, reported.  She handed out a schedule for volunteers for Registration and for Judges for  the Saturday.  She has accumulated over 30 door prizes.  She wondered if that was enough.  We will use Toy Ride door prizes that are left over as well.  Sunday volunteers are needed.  Marianne made Posters and handed them out for us to advertise our part in the Pumpkinfest celebrations

A report on the Toy Ride advised there were 29 attendees.  $75 in cash was raised and the club will match that amount to give to the Food Bank.  We also have $100 from Independent, Port Elgin, which we will also match.
New Business:  No social supper in September.  The first Social Supper this year will be on October, 27th, at the slots restaurant in Hanover.  Sheila will book this.  Please call Sheila to confirm your attendance:  call or text 519-369-8801.
With the business all looked after Marianne moved to close the meeting, with Carman Moore 2nd'ing.

Paul Brohman won the 50/50 draw of $21.00.

Upcoming events:
Sept 29th-30th GBMTC Show & Shine
Oct 14th GBMTC meeting
Oct 27th GBMTC Social Supper. 6:00pm,  The first Social Supper this year will be on October,27th, at the slots restaurant in Hanover. Sheila will book this. Pleasecall Sheila to confirm your attendance: call or text 519-369-8801


.Sept 2018 Newsletter                       

Meeting: Sept 9th, 10:am
County Line Diner -
 66 Main Street North, Elmwood, Ont.

Minuts :GBMTC August meeting  August 12/18

Meeting was held at the Sauble Beach Community Centre.

The President welcomed all in attendance.  The minutes were read and ok'd as read by Paul Brohman, and 2nd'd by Doug Black.


Treasurer Doug Black reported a bank balance of $ 1,245.82.

Friday 13th/18 was attended by Ken Micks and Gary  Shore.

  They reported the event was well attended and busy as usual.

The Toy Ride Route will be ridden today to check the route for construction, and detours.  Suzanne Micks, chairperson for this event reported there will be pizza at the destination, also, the route stops at the Owen Sound tourist building, and the stop will be long enough for those interested, to visit Jones Falls.   Suzanne also moved to get from the club treasury $200 to go towards door prizes,


Paul Broham 2nd'd that motion.  Mike Downs will provide these door prizes.

Coming events include a Blues Fest in Goderich, on September 1st, and this event also is holding a motorcycle sho 'n shine.   If anyone wants to go, more information can be had by contacting Jerry Cowtan, or Paul Brohman.
No further committee reports.

With current business details finished Suzanne Micks moved to close the meeting with Sharon  Evans  2nd'ing.

Jerry won the 50/50 draw, held at the beginning of the meeting, a tidy sum of $24.50.

Upcoming Events:
Sept 9th GBMTC Meeting
Sept  GBMTC tour to Pigeon Forge, TN  Anyone  interested in goingto Pigeon Forge & staying a cabin  for 5 nights at approx. cost of total. The cabin sleeps 11 people , Must call Ken or Suzanne at 519-371-9977 or 519387 0940    The cabin is called Mountain Destiny.   Its also on my facebbok  page This is our new email address Meeting:


 Sauble Beach Community Centre
Aug 12th, 10:00am

July meeting minutes:
GBMTC July meeting     Top Notch Restaurant, Wiarton    July 8, 2018

In the absence of the President, our Vice Pres, Jim Waddell called the meeting to order.

Jim read the minutes of the last meeting, and they were adopted as read by Jerry Cowtan and 2nd'd by Barry Stahls.

We welcomed a new member Gary Shore, of Chesley.

Doug Black, Treasurer, reported a bank balance of $ 1,280.87.  Yet to be paid out of these funds are calendars, already on order by Carman Moore.

Friday 13/18 - Call Ken Micks if you care to ride to Port Dover this Friday, for the day.  Call Phil Johnston, if you care to camp overnight, Thursday to Friday.

There were no committee reports.

Next meeting (August 12)  will be a ride along the route of the Toy Ride, scheduled the following Saturday.  Meet at 10:00 at Sauble Beach Community Centre for the meeting and post-meeting ride.  Those who wish may breakfast at the Kit Wat restaurant, in Sauble Beach.


Not much news, or business to report this month and so Paul Brohman moved to close the meeting, with David Mervyn 2nd'ing.


Sharon Evans won $ 37.50 in the 50/50 draw.

Upcoming events:
Aug 12th GBMTC meeting followd by a pre TOY RIDE ROUTE ride to familurize members with route & check for any new road construction.
Aug 18th  GBMTC 35th annual TOY RIDE.​
Registration at Sauble Beach Community Center from 10:00am - 11:55am. Ride departs at 12:00 noon.
 Food of some sort will be available  at end of ride.
We have tryed to have a door prize for every registered rider  thanks to our sponsors & club members.  Drinks & donuts are supplied to all riders &  passengers.
  The ride will end up at the destination where plaques are awarded to:
                                         1   CLUB WITH THE MOST MEMBERS
                                         2   OLDEST RIDER
                                         3   YOUNGEST RIDER/PASSENGER
                                         4   FARTHEST DISTANCE TRAVELED
                                         5   OLDEST BIKE
                                          Info  Suzanne 519-371-9977
 Aug 25th  Tom & Buzz's Poker Run,  Free camping Durham area. Register Guelph.Sign-up at Louis on Lewis - Guelph, Lewis Road, Saturday 23 August 2014, 09:00

Meeting June 10th, 10:00am
Top Notch

GBMTC Minutes – May 13, 2018 
Top Notch Breakfast Meeting – 14 members in attendance

Opening Remarks : Vice President Jim opened the meeting in place of President Dave. Minutes of April meeting were and adopted. Motion by Jerry Cowtan and Seconded by Ken Micks

Treasurer’s Report : Doug Black advised the club has $1681.09 in our account. Invoice for large crests outstanding.

Road Captain Report :
Bob and Mike advised the cabin and cottage for Americade have been secured. Costs will be charged per person. Members attending are responsible for booking your motel room at the Fox Inn in Napanee
Discussion regarding a September trip to Tennesee took place. Eleven members expressed interest. Bob will look into a house rental and report back at another meeting. Trip would be approximately 10 days.

Paul handed out Explore the Bruce game cards and maps. He also provided some feedback on the different areas. Discussion took place regarding organizing a ride either on a Saturday or Sunday. Ken will organize it and send the details to Jerry.

New Business :
Carmen brought in the new large crests ordered. Cost is $32.50 each. Contact Carmen if interested in purchasing.
Suzanne delivered hoodies and coats previously ordered. Hoodies $36.02 and Coats $60.07. Price incudes base cost, taxes and freight. Contact Suzanne to arrange pickup of your order if you did not attend the meeting.

Barry asked about the status of the Club Event Insurance. Doug advised the cheque has been cashed so that will be our confirmation of coverage.

Mike relayed information about motorcycles for sale from Mel Hill’s estate. Mel’s wife Elaine contacted Mike to see if anyone has interest in buying them. Contact Mike for further information. Mike also informed the membership that he has some personal motorcycles and a moped for sale.

Social Dinner will be at Joe Tomato’s in Owen Sound on May 26, 2018. Restaurant is located in the Galaxy Plaza across from McDonalds in Owen Sound. Please confirm your attendance with Dianne at 519-375-0367. Social 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m.

Suzanne advised T-Shirts can be ordered at a reasonable price. Minimum order of 15. Shirts 
would have Club logo. Contact Suzanne if interested.

Share the Wealth: $37.50 was won by Jerry. Paul provided secondary prizes to the group - Explore the Bruce pins. 
Sharon motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded by Suzanne.

Upcomeing Events:
May 26th GBMTC Social Supper
June 2nd - 10th Americade contact Mike 797-2119
June 10th GBMTC Meeting
June 29th- July 1st Sundridge Ont. SSJ ARENA and Strong Agri grounds Ken for info 371-9977



May 2018 Newsletter            

Meeting May 13th, 10am
Top Notch, Wiarton


GBMTC  April  Meeting  2018
The Aprtil meeting was held in Wiarton.  The President Dave, welcomed all in attendance.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Carman Moore, and 2nd'd by Barry Stahl.

President Dave informed the club he had looked into crests from the person who originally supplied them, but they are no longer available from the same place.  In the meantime, Carman had priced new crests out of the woman who is supplying the Hoodie Shirts, and it was determined there would be a club outlay of approx $500 to get a dozen of the crests.   Sheila moved to have the club absorb the cost of the crests, all in attendance were in favour, therefore Carman will order a dozen crests. 

The treasurer, Doug Black, reported a bank balance of $1,622.57.

There was no committee report.

Suzanne Micks is ready to order hoodies.

This month's social will be held April 28, and Suzanne is looking to Inn on the Bay, at the Best Western Hotel in Owen Sound.  Call Suzanne if you are going to attend.  519-371-9977.

There is about 2" of snow on the ground at this meeting time, so understandably, no takers to go to Port Dover on Friday the 13th coming up.
For new business, it was noted that the Explore The Bruce has, in addition to it's regular passport contest, a bonus game where one takes a selfie picture at any of the stops and sends it in for a prize.

Paul Brohman handed out posters from Daytona Beach Nascar.

With all business discussed Dianne Stahl moved to close the meeting with Dave Mervyn 2nd'ing.

Upcoming Events
April 28th GBMTC Social Supper 6:00am, Rockford Restaurant, Suzanne to reserve 371-9977
May 13th  GBMTC meeting,  Topnotch Restaurant, Wiarton, 10:00 followed by ride.
May 26 GBMTC Social Supper  I have tentatively booked the back room at Joe Tomatoes in the Galaxy Centre for the May social D ianne to reserve    375 0367, 387 0877 




    June 2018 Newsletter  

June 10th, 10:00am
Top Notch, Wiarton

Minutes May meeting:
Top Notch Breakfast Meeting – 14  members in attendance

Opening Remarks : Vice President Jim opened the meeting in place of President Dave.  Minutes of April meeting were and adopted.  Motion by Jerry Cowtan and Seconded by Ken Micks

Treasurer’s Report : Doug Black advised the club has $1681.09 in our account.  Invoice for large crests outstanding.


Road Captain Report :
 Bob and Mike advised the cabin and cottage for Americade have been secured.  Costs will be charged per person.  Members attending are responsible for booking your motel room at the Fox Inn in Napanee
  Discussion regarding a September trip to Tennesee took place.  Eleven members expressed interest.  Bob will look into a house rental and report back at another meeting.  Trip would be approximately 10 days.

Paul handed out Explore the Bruce game cards and maps.  He also provided some feedback on the different areas.  Discussion took place regarding organizing a ride either on a Saturday or Sunday.  Ken will organize it and send the details to Jerry.

New Business :
 Carmen brought in the new large crests ordered.  Cost is $32.50 each.  Contact Carmen if interested in purchasing.
 Suzanne delivered hoodies and coats previously ordered.  Hoodies $36.02 and Coats $60.07.  Price incudes base cost, taxes and freight.  Contact Suzanne to arrange pickup of your order if you did not attend the meeting.
 Barry asked about the status of the Club Event Insurance.  Doug advised the cheque has been cashed so that will be our confirmation of coverage.

 Mike relayed information about motorcycles for sale from Mel Hill’s estate.  Mel’s wife Elaine contacted Mike to see if anyone has interest in buying them.    Contact Mike for further information.  Mike also informed the membership that he has some personal motorcycles and a moped for sale.

 Social Dinner will be at Joe Tomato’s in Owen Sound on May 26, 2018. Restaurant is located in the Galaxy Plaza across from McDonalds in Owen Sound.  Please confirm your attendance with Dianne at 519-375-0367.  Social 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m.


 Suzanne advised T-Shirts can be ordered at a reasonable price.  Minimum order of 15.  Shirts would have Club logo.  Contact Suzanne if interested.

Share the Wealth: $37.50 was won by Jerry.   Paul provided secondary prizes to the group - Explore the Bruce pins. 


Sharon motioned to adjourn meeting,  seconded by Suzanne.

Upcoming events:
May 26th  GBMTC Social Supper  Dianne at 519-375-0367 to reserve.
June 2nd - 10th Americade Mike lodging 797-2119.  Depart Port Elgin 7:00am Bob for info385-4113
June 10th GBMTC meet
June 29- July 1   iSSJ Arena and agri grounds Info TBA


  May 2018 Newsletter

Meeting :

May 13th, 10:00 am

Topnotch, Wiarton 

GBMTC  April  Meeting  2018

The April meeting was held in Wiarton.  The President Dave, welcomed all in attendance.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Carman Moore, and 2nd'd by Barry Stahl.

President Dave informed the club he had looked into crests from the person who originally supplied them, but they are no longer available from the same place.  In the meantime, Carman had priced new crests out of the woman who is supplying the Hoodie Shirts, and it was determined there would be a club outlay of approx $500 to get a dozen of the crests.   Sheila moved to have the club absorb the cost of the crests, all in attendance were in favour, therefore Carman will order a dozen crests.  

The treasurer, Doug Black, reported a bank balance of $1,622.57.

There was no committee report.

Suzanne Micks is ready to order hoodies.

This month's social will be held April 28, and Suzanne is looking to Inn on the Bay, at the Best Western Hotel in Owen Sound.  Call Suzanne if you are going to attend.  519-371-9977.

There is about 2" of snow on the ground at this meeting time, so understandably, no takers to go to Port Dover on Friday the 13th coming up.
For new business, it was noted that the Explore The Bruce has, in addition to it's regular passport contest, a bonus game where one takes a selfie picture at any of the stops and sends it in for a prize.

Paul Brohman handed out posters from Daytona Beach Nascar.

With all business discussed Dianne Stahl moved to close the meeting with Dave Mervyn 2nd'ing.


Upcoming Events
April 28th GBMTC Social Supper 6:00am, Rockford Restaurant, Suzanne to reserve 371-9977
May 13th  GBMTC meeting,  Topnotch Restaurant, Wiarton, 10:00 followed by ride.
May 26 GBMTC Social Supper   I have tentatively booked the back room at Joe Tomatoes in the Galaxy Centre for the May social Dianne to reserve    375 0367, 38

April 2018 newsletter 


April 8th, 10:00am
Top Notch restaurnt, Hwy #6

GBMTC Meeting March 11, 2018.    Met in Tara

The President welcomed all present, and the minutes of the last meeting were read.


 With a slight change in the pricing of the hoodies, and new T shirts, Suzanne Micks OK'D the minutes and Barry Stahls 2nd'd.


There was no new correspondence, however we did receive thank you notes from Wiarton Food Bank, and Durham Food Bank for our contributions at Christmas.


Doug Black, Treasurer, reported a bank balance of $ 1,575.66.

Suzanne Micks, chairperson for the Toy Ride, has talked to the Road Captain in charge of the route and it was decided the route will end at Scone Trailer park. 

Marianne Christie has announced she will again chair the Pumpkinfest  Sho'n Shine event.   She will make a list of businesses we can request donate door prizes from, and delegate volunteers who live in that area to go to these businesses to collect the prizes. 


Suzanne Micks  had more information about Hoodies and T Shirts, if anyone would like one please talk to Suzanne and have your order in before month end.  519-371-9977


Club crests were also in demand and President Dave will enquire to the former member who arranged supply of these crests, to see if we can get more made.

Americade - Mike Downs has booked a cottage, but we need numbers going to determine if we need more accomodations.  Please call Mike if you are interested in going.  519-797-2119.

Some new business, and ideas, Marianne suggested this riding season to have a ride monthly, to start, in the southern part of the county, Durham, Hanover, Harriston areas. (Members communities)  During the week, in the evening.   Perhaps we can encourage riders to join our club if we host this ride.   She will look into this as time goes on.

With everything discussed Jerry Cowtan moved to close the meeting, with Gord Dickinson 2nd'ding. 


Extra Note:   Pres Dave was unable to get any supplier information on the club crests we have been using.  We will discuss at the next meeting another supplier.

NOTE   Suzanne will have Hoodies to check sizes & take orders at the Social Supper, March 31st


Upcoming Events.

  March 31st   GBMTC  Social Supper  Queens Hotel, Port Elgin, 6:00pm followed by Supper at 7:00pm - Jerry to reserve 832-6711
April 8th  GBMTC meeting 
Arril 13th  Port Dover for the brave at heart. Contact Bob 519-385-4113
April 28th    GBMTC Social Supper TBA

Spring riding season. Tour the Bruce. Group touring has been requested done on the weekend so working members can join in. Info Ken371-9977 to get your name on the call list. I may be away touring so no email notice will go out.


March 2018  Newsletter                           
Mar 11th, 2018,  10:00am,  Country Cousins, 43 young St,  Tara

Minutes GBMTC meeting February 11, 2018.  At Tara, Ont.
The president welcomed everyone present and the minutes of the last meeting were read, and OK'd by Margie Smith and 2nd'd by Ken Micks.  A ThankYou note was received from Tara Food Bank, and the Hanover Salvation Army, and distributed to the attending members. 


Doug Black, treasurer, reported the Bank Balance is $ 1,483.04.  ORRA insurance is paid at $314.000 and $155 to match food vouchers is also out of this balance.  We have added member dues paid to date.

The attending Road Captain had nothing in the works for plans to ride, at this time.

Suzanne Micks, chair of the Toy Ride event, mentioned a change of route of the Toy Ride, to be discussed with the Road Captain .


Hoodies, with the same logo as the caps supplied by Carman Moore, are available.  We need an order of 12 minimum -any product - t-shirts, or hoodies, in any colour, for $38 each. 

New Business:  For our newer members, name tags for us all to wear would be helpful for everyone to know everyone's names.  Suzanne will look into nametags.

Anyone interested in attending Amercade this year please call Mike Downs 519-797-2119. 
The social supper this month, held on February 24, will be at Walker House in Southampton, with Mike also looking after this event.  Please call Mike if you are attending.

With all business looked after Dave Smith moved to close the meeting with Gord Dickinson 2nd'ing.


One of our newest members, Dianne Stahls won the 50/50 draw of $ 32.50.

Upcomming events:
Feb 24th Social Supper Mike to reserve (too late)  797-2119
Mar 9th - 18th  Bike Week Daytona FL.
March 11th GBMTC meeting
March 31st  Social Supper. Queens Port Elgin, 6:00am -   Jerry to reserve   832-6711



   Feb 2018 Newsletter

Feb 11, 10am
Country Cousins, 
Tara, 43 Young St  

Welcome to a new year of fun & games with the Grey Bruce Motorcycle Touring Club.
We had 32 riding members in 2017 plus their family members. A thank you goes out to family members for their help with our club events as well as the riding members

Some of the events members went to last year are Americade, Lake George, NY, Friday 13th Port Dover, Ont, Freedom riders rally Sudbury, Ont., Vintage rally, Welland, Ont. Also a number of day rides as usual were done by the club members. 

Our Toy Ride & Show & Shine were both a success thanks to the weather & club volunteers. Special thanks goes out to the chairpersons, Suzanne & Marianne for their efforts contributing to two successful events, These events rely on club member participation so when you are asked please volunteer to help out.

Mike for reservations for Feb 24th Social Supper


Picture thanks to Sheila

Think Spring



  Jan 2018 Newsletter


No meeting in Jan

Happy New Year to all !!!   



GBMTC  meeting December 10, 2017  Aunt Mables Restaurant, Port Elgin, Ont


In the absence of the President, the meeting was led by our new Vice Pres, Jim Waddell. 


The minutes of the last meeting were read and Ok'd by Mike Downs and 2nd'd by Carman Moore. 


Doug Black, Treasurer, reported a balance of $ 1,904.04.  He requires official dates of our events in 2018 for the insurance company.   This was supplied to Doug by members present.


It was reminded to the membership that we still need chairpersons for the Toy Ride event, and for Pumpkinfest.  Suzanne Micks, past chair for the Toy Ride volunteered again to take this responsibility.


There was no new business to discuss.


Paul Brohman advised the monies raised for Food Bank donations totalled $155.  That is $100 from Port Elgin Independent, and $40.00 from the Toy Ride, and $15.00 from a donation from Grandma's restaurant in Burgoyne.  We normally would match these donations from our treasury.   Jerry Cowtan motioned to indeed match this total, 2nd'd by Carman, and it was carried by the attending members.  Additional to this was funds raised by the sale of Calendars of $20, Gift Certificates that we received at our events and the membership paid cash for these certificates that amounted to $105.00.  Durham Home Hardware donated a $50 gift card. 

Food Banks that will benefit from our donation:  Kincardine, Durham, Hanover, Paisley, Walkerton, Tara, Chesley, Wiarton and Port Elgin.  This pretty much represents the communities of our membership.


Another topic of discussion was our monthly Social Suppers.  They will resume in January, and Sheila will book space at the Coach House Restaurant, which is housed at the Slots in Hanover.   Mike Downs volunteered to look after the February Social.


With all business discussed Suzanne moved to close the meeting and Jerry 2nd'd.


Jerry won the 50/50 draw of $32.00. 


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