Welcome to our web site. (New website coming soon GBMTC.CA)
Our club is made up of people who enjoy social motorcycling
and who live in the Grey-Bruce area. We are a non-specific
motorcycle club and we welcome all members and all makes of bikes.
The GBMTC was founded in 1981 under the name of
Huron Bruce Motorocycle Touring Club. The name was
changed to the Grey Bruce Motorcycle Touring Club in 2003. GBMTCs tent city at Newliskeard
Our club members participate in charity runs and tours,
we travel throughout North America and we host events.
We held our first Toy Ride in 1983.
Our dues are $15 per year per family regardless of the number
of riders in the family. See the Contact page.
Check out our Newsletter for info on our tours & upcomeing
events. We hold a Toy Ride the 3rd Saturday in August
& a Show & Shine at Pumpkinfest in Port Elgin in October.
Ken & Larry on Alaska Tour
Pumpkinfest 2013
Pumpkinfest 2013
Algonquin park Oct 2014

2017 Cape Croker